Need some quick ideas for your clinic’s marketing? We gotchu, girl! Check out the ideas below and let us know what you try out.
Topic Ideas for the Vet Clinic Blog:
Keeping your blog up to date with helpful and educational content is still a useful tool to utilize. Here are some blog topics to get you going:
- 5 Thanksgiving Pet Hazards
- Why Senior Pets Are The Best Addition To Your Family
- How To Avoid An Emergency Vet Visit During The Holiday Season
Video Ideas:
Video is still one of the most consumed pieces of content across multiple social media platforms. Use that knowledge to your advantage!
Try these ideas:
- Video Idea #1: “Turn a blog into a video” – You can take any of the blog suggestions above and turn them into a video to share on social, your website, or even in email newsletters.
- Video Idea #2: “Curbside Service” – If you haven’t made a quick video on what happens during a curbside appointment, then we encourage you to make time to do it? If your clients are frustrated with not being able to present during their pet’s exam, provide a sample of what your curbside appointments look like behind closed doors. Trust us, they will appreciate the insight.
Facebook Post Ideas:
- Post Idea #1: “Cold Weather Outfit” – The weather is getting colder this time of year. Take a photo of a patient that comes in with clothing that protects them from the cold!

- Post Idea #2: “Cold Weather Tips” – It doesn’t matter what part of the country you are in, there are some tips to keep pets warm and safe during the winter months. Focus on tips that are specific to your area. Hint: Ask your front staff what frequently asked cold-weather questions clients asks them.
- Post Idea #3: “Thanksgiving Tips” – Give your followers education on how to avoid the most common emergencies during the holidays.

- Post Idea #4: “Lymphoma” – November 7th is National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day. Bring awareness to the signs of Lymphoma and why yearly wellness exams are so important for diagnosis and treatment.
Facebook Banner Ideas:
Here are some examples of banners you can use to spruce up your Facebook page.
- Banner Idea #1: “We are thankful for YOU” – Highlight patients and clients in your banner. If you have a lot of photos, use the slideshow option on Facebook to create a banner that shows them off.

- Banner Idea #2: “Fall Mini Photo Contest” – Create a mini-photo contest for submissions for your fall-themed banner! People will love sharing photos of their pets enjoying the Fall weather.
Instagram Post Ideas:
- Post Idea #1: “Interesting Case” – Pick a patient case each week to show to your followers. Usually, a happy ending is the best choice. Take photos of some of the exam/treatment and then show off why your clinic rocks at treating patients!
- Post Idea #2: “What are you thankful for: Pet Edition” – Ask your followers what they are thankful for that is pet related.
- Post Idea #3: “National Shelter Appreciation Week Nov 1-7” – Show your appreciation for the members of your community that take the time to care for shelter animals. If you have a local humane society or city animal control, either ask for photos of their staff or go take some. Better yet, do they stop in sometimes with pets from the shelter, ask them for a photo!
Instagram or Facebook Stories Ideas:
- Story Idea #1: “Thankful” – Post a photo of each of your staff members and what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving.
- Story Idea #2: “Thanksgiving Pet Trivia” – Find some pet related trivia that is centered around Thanksgiving and ask people to submit their guesses. Followers can either guess in the chat bar or via the story stickers (like the poll or question stickers.)
Cheyanne’s Bonus Biscuit of the Month
Having trouble with scheduling posts on Facebook lately? It’s not you! Facebook is encouraging people to use their new post scheduler, Creator Studio. Creator Studio is free for all Facebook users and allows you to schedule posts for Instagram too! There is a mobile version, but I always recommend you use a desktop whenever possible! Visit Creator Studio today and give it a try! Here is a great get started guide for you to consult!
Janel’s Bonus Biscuit of the Month
We all know, we all love animals. We always say that in our little bios about why we started in vet med, right? For me, I think it’s so cool that we also get to see and interact with so many different kinds of pets and breeds! When would we ever get the chance to see what a Catahoula is like or a Kuvasz? I know you geek out like me!
So let’s brag about them on social media! Owners usually love showing off their breeds and what makes them so special. Take a look at the pet holidays calendar, you will find breed awareness days, breed holidays, breed awareness months, etc. There are even holidays for mixed breeds! Celebrate each one as this will show your audience that your clinic celebrates and loves all breeds of pets that come into your clinic.
Social posts such as guess my breed or guess my breed mixes go a long way on social media! People love putting their guesses in, especially if they know they are right. It’ll be fun for them and for your clinic!
Looking for more marketing resources, tips, and tricks?! Our friends at PetDesk build the best custom veterinary websites (and you get a special offer!), and they have compiled a ton of helpful resources for you here. Not to mention, we have a TON of resources for you over on the Snout School blog and store. Go check them out!
About The Authors

Cheyanne Flerx
Cheyanne Flerx is the owner and founder of Hey Cheyanne, LLC and a former Veterinary Assistant now turned Veterinary Social Media Marketing Coach. Cheyanne is on a mission to use her experience and knowledge to uplift and empower fellow Veterinary Social Media Marketers and train them to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. Follow her for more social media post ideas, marketing trainings, and guidance on her website.