Choosing your veterinary path can be challenging but consider it an adventure that will be well worth it.
Dr. Tannetje Crocker has been a veterinarian for eleven years, and within that timeframe she has gained experience as:

  • An equine intern
  • An equine veterinarian
  • A relief veterinarian
  • A small animal veterinarian
  • An ER veterinarian

With that line-up of experience in mind, aren’t you thrilled to learn that you can access Dr. Crocker’s expertise when choosing your next VetMed career?

Want to find out how? We’ll get to that in just a moment…

In the meantime, we’re offering a teaser list of five factors you should consider when deciding what veterinary path you’re going to pursue, so let’s explore:

1. Location.

What’s your living arrangement like? Are you willing to adjust it for the “right” job? Is convenience important to you? Do you have enough Audible credits to see you through a long commute? Will filling your gas tank break the bank?

Perhaps you’re eager enough to overlook location and how it can affect your day to day, but Dr. Crocker can convince you to take a closer look.

2. Case load.

Every job comes with a certain level of stress, but some will breed more than others. Here’s the thing– some people thrive with a lot on their plate. It keeps them busy, engaged, and hungry for more. Others get overwhelmed by it. Only YOU can truly recognize how you’ll handle each situation, so explore what feels like a realistic case load for yourself before choosing your next career.

Not sure how to differentiate caseload between jobs? Dr. Crocker can address that for you!

3. Salary.

If you work in VetMed, it’s because you love it, right? Right! But guess what… That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fair or above average pay. You’re worth it! Does the job you’re exploring offer a salary that meets your lifestyle goals? Does the salary coincide with the workload the job involves?

It’s not ALL about the Benjamins… but it is partially about the Benjamins.

4. Work/life balance.

If you’re the type of person who NEEDS a night out with friends at least a couple times a week (hey, I don’t blame you), then take a job that will allow for it. If you’re totally content being immersed in your work, go for it! If you fall somewhere in the middle, evaluate what that looks like in a career. Consider how you’ll balance it all, and don’t sacrifice.

Where do you land on the scale? Dr. Crocker has seen some of both, so let her help you assess!

5. Passion.

Are you willing to take a job you don’t feel that strongly about? Or are you actively seeking your passion project? Both are okay, but you need to determine which side of the coin you fall on. Sometimes we have to try a few things before knowing where our passion truly lies. Sometimes we know exactly what we want to do and where we want to be, but need to locate the opportunities that fit the bill.

So ask yourself, what are you passionate about?

Truly, there are so many factors to consider, and these are just the tip of the iceberg.

Dr. Crocker’s Veterinary Adventures is designed to lead you in the right direction, or perhaps help you choose which way to go when you reach a fork in the VetMed career road. These choices can be tough! You don’t have to make them alone, and luckily, you have the guidance of a seasoned veterinarian at your fingertips.

Looking for a clearer picture of the road that lies ahead, or at least an idea of where to start? Invest in Dr. Crocker’s Veterinary Adventures and set yourself up for success!