Are you tired of seeing the same old paw print logo on every veterinary sign? Me too! Don’t get me wrong, I get the appeal of paw prints. They’re cute and simple. But is simple what you want to be known as? I doubt it.
I’m going to be real with you: It’s time to level up and create logos that represent your unique veterinary practice.
In today’s Instagrammable world, pet owners want logos that are not only memorable but also wearable. People want to show off the brands they support, and they want that brand to tell a story. What story is a generic paw print telling?
You need veterinary logo that’s uniquely yours.
How do you create a veterinary logo that stands out? Well, first things first, it’s time to ditch the paw prints and get creative. Think outside the box, be strategic, and find symbols or icons that truly represent your practice.
When we’re developing a veterinary logo at The Snout Group, we always do a deep dive on strategy first. Developing your veterinary brand’s strategy is a big process. But there are a few key questions our veterinary marketing agency asks that I’ll pass on!
Ask yourself: Who is this logo for?
I recently helped vet develop a brand for her business, Clay Creek Equine. She primarily caters to horse enthusiasts who do dressage.
Her original logo was a little generic – it could be any equine veterinary practice! You’d have no idea they were a brand catering to horse owners that do dressage.

In the updated version by The Snout Group, you can see the consideration of her ideal client. Now if a dressage lover sees this logo on a truck passing by, they know it’s the vet for them!
Ask yourself: What story can we tell?
At Fair Winds Pet Hospice, they aim to be the guiding light to pet owners during tough times.
The Snout Group incorporated a lantern to represent this role they play in pets’ end of life care. We kept it in a nautical theme, which connects to their location in Galveston, Texas.

Their logo tells a story some paw prints or a stethoscope never could!
Ask yourself: What do we want to be known for?
Vetique is a boutique veterinary clinic serving up a spaw-like experience to pet owners. They’re in a chic area on Chicago’s Gold Coast, and want to be known as a high-end practice that fits into that location.

A chic logo that gives a nod to fashion brands is the perfect fit for a veterinary practice location near a Gucci store!
Creating a unique veterinary logo is all about getting creative, being strategic, and finding ways to represent your practice in a way that truly stands out. Say goodbye to boring paw prints and hello to logos that are memorable, wearable, and tell the story of what makes you unique. Don’t forget your ideal client – that’s who the logo is supposed to attract, after all. 😉
Need help?
Contact The Snout Group, the veterinary marketing agency behind Snout School or get more inspo by looking at our portfolio.